Our Approach


Through discussion, analysis, and leveraging past experiences, identify issues with the business model and the supporting functions. Work with the management in discerning between symptoms and underlying reasons causing the issues. Identify the signicant problem(s) with management's understanding.

Example: Company historically focuses on tansactional reporting, but not management reporting. This results in poor explanations of variances, no documented management response, and lack of separating symptoms from causes. Management recognizes the need for management reporting and decides to address this issue.


Research, design, and recommend possible solutions to the problem(s). Guide management in determining the best solution given time and monetary constraints. Build the agreed upon solution with accountability measures.

Example: The CFO/Controller agrees to develop monthly financial analysis including explanation of significant variances on a timely bases. Management agrees to review analysis, identify causes, and develop assigned action plans. Management also agrees to work collaboratively in developing customer and product.


Implement solutions through resource management, process change, training, and follow through. Integrate other accepted processes with the new process change(s). Measure results and impact on the business model.

Example: A financial analysis is hired to prepare monthly analysis including customer and product profitability. Other functions incorporate analysis into decision making process including product bidding. Adjusted pricing and products for sale results in increases sales and profits.